1. Fee Structure for Application Essays
There are two options, depending on your needs:
A. Hourly Rates
My fees are $150 per hour for work started before August 15, 2022 and $175 per hour between August 16, 2022 and February 1, 2023.
The time needed to complete each essay depends on things like:
- How many drafts need to be written
- How strong your writing skills are
- How rapidly you can respond to suggestions
Because clients’ needs differ, it is difficult to predict exactly how much time it will take. Starting from scratch, the personal essay alone typically takes at least five hours of my time and usually no more than seven. Subsequent essays take less time, with the amount depending on their length and difficulty.
B. Project Basis
If you prefer to work on a project basis, please contact me.
2. Supplementary essays
Some schools require supplementary essays. These essays vary widely in terms of word limits and difficulty, so the hourly rate usually applies. If you’d rather work on a project or all-inclusive basis, please contact me.
3. Personal Statements for Graduate or Professional School
If you are applying to graduate programs, I offer support for both personal and supplementary essays. Fees: $150 per hour for work completed before August 15, 2022 and $175 per hour between August 16, 2022 and February 1, 2023. If you prefer to work on a project basis, please contact me.
5. Other Application Essays
Application essays to boarding school and some summer programs commonly require personal essays. My hourly charges apply.
6. Individual Tutoring & Test Prep
One-one-one support, short- or long-term, for academic or other writing needs, including English as a Second Language. Skills can include: Planning, organization, grammar, style, vocabulary, usage, revision; research, study, and editing skills. Sessions available in-person or via Skype. Fee: $75 per hour.
7. Other Services
I also provide writing and editing support for other projects. Fees: $100/hour or on a project basis.
Terms and Methods of Payment
Payment should be made at time of service or by prearranged schedule, by personal check, bank transfer, or using the secure form from PayPal: